Craniosacral Therapy

A gentle hands-on approach to promote relaxation and restore balance in the body. Flow into Balance. Relieve Tension. Experience deep healing and rejuvenation with this holistic modality.

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-intrusive form of hands-on therapy that aims to enhance the functioning of a physiological body system known as the Craniosacral system. This system comprises the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The cranial-sacral rhythm is the subtle intelligence of the body, also known as “chi” or “prana”. Through gentle palpation of this rhythm the practitioner frees bones in the head, spine and sacrum and assists the body in realigning itself.

What can Craniosacral therapy do for you?

Craniosacral Therapy complements the body's natural self-healing mechanism to calm the nervous system, restoring energy and encouraging ease of movement throughout the body. It is extremely gentle and can be used in acute or delicate conditions.

On the physical level Cranio-Sacral therapy is used to treat a wide range of medical problems related to dysfunction and pain. It can bring relief to chronic aches and pains as well as emotional issues. On a more subtle level, the realigning of the cranial bones can bring about profound shifts in consciousness.

Craniosacral Therapy is effective in,

  • relieving migraines and headache

  • alleviating stress and mood disorder

  • relieving pain after dental procedures

  • easing back, neck, jaw and sinus problems

  • aiding deep physical and mental relaxation

  • releasing emotions

  • balancing chakras and energy meridians

  • treating sleep disorders

  • relieving trauma

Craniosacral Therapy is an invitation for the body to whisper its secrets, allowing the therapist to facilitate a dance of harmony and restoration.

What to expect during a session?

A typical Craniosacral Therapy session lasts about one hour, during which time you may enter a deeply relaxed but highly conscious state similar to meditation. You will be fully clothed during the session. Focusing on different therapeutic points such as the head, sacrum, spine and limbs, Christiane uses a gentle technique to release tension in the fascia. She may also use other healing modalities to complement the treatment.

As Christiane works on one area you may also feel sensations in other areas. You may experience a deep release of tension, along with sensations such as tingling, warmth, stretching, spreading, pulsing or twitching. You may feel very relaxed or enlivened after the session. You may even experience emotional releases, as old issues stored in the cellular memory are released.

How Craniosacral Therapy works

On the physical level Christiane works on the Craniosacral system. Stress, physical and emotional traumas, past surgeries and poor posture can cause restrictions in the body's connective tissue, which surrounds all organs, muscles and nerves and this is manifested as pain and tension. These restrictions can be released gently through Craniosacral Therapy.

On the unconscious level, Craniosacral Therapy allows you to reconnect with your body's innate inner wisdom, thus releasing blockages and balancing your soul centers (Chakras).

Our practitioner

Christiane Guy

• B.S.Sc (OUHK)
• Certified Craniosacral Therapist - Upledger Institute USA
• ITEC Anatomy, Physiology and Massage Diploma (UK)

Christiane is a skilled, intuitive and empathetic healer who combines sensitive hands on bodywork with presence in her sessions. Her interest in alternative healing and personal growth evolved after she started working in one of Hong Kong's first holistic healing centers in the early 90s. Since that time she has dedicated herself to developing her skills in alternative therapies to assist others in their healing. A student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, she incorporates mindfulness into her daily life and work.

How Christiane works

Before your session Christiane will do an assessment to determine the most appropriate treatment for you. She will tune into your cranial rhythm to determine the degree of mobility of fascia and identify areas of dysfunction and immobility. No two sessions are ever the same. Each one is a unique journey into the self. Although she has chosen to focus on Craniosacral Therapy as her primary modality, at times she may incorporate other complementary therapies she has learnt over the years.

In the last three decades Christiane has trained in and practiced an extensive range of complementary therapies including: Craniosacral Therapy, Bowen Therapy Body Harmony, St John Neuromuscular Therapy, Somatic , and Emotional Healing.

"As a Cranio-Sacral therapist, Christiane has brought about and continues to bring about, tremendous healing, and emotional transformation on the profoundest level. She is a rare and gifted healer, with an intuition that is often breathtaking. Everything she has done for me has been extraordinary..." — Liam - Journalist

"Prior to meeting Christiane, I was the biggest cynic of any form of alternative therapy. Now I'm its biggest advocate! Each Cranio-Sacral session with Christiane runs so deep, I can feel the unlocking of blocks and tension. I sleep better, I feel better... I have full faith in Christiane and her highly recommend her." — John - International Finance

"Christiane was able to expertly facilitate a session with me during which, I had profound shifts with issues concerning my lower back, sacrum and hips. Those new to Cranial should never underestimate the power of this gentle bodywork for helping the body come back into alignment." - Amy Arman