Vibrational Attunement

Often referred to as “Reiki on steroids”. Through subtle body (Aura) repair, Chakra balancing, and deep grounding, feel lighter, calmer, present, and connected with renewed clarity through Vibrational Attunement.

Welcome to Vibrational Attunement

Unlock your inner harmony and find balance through Vibrational Attunement. Each session increases vibrational frequency and light quotient, thus creating a stronger connection to self. Our transformative practice combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques to help you align your mind, body, and spirit.

Energy: Tap into the universal life force energy to restore balance and vitality. Our energy healer work with your body's natural energy channels to clear energetic blockages, promote healing, and enhance your overall well-being.

Vibrations: Experience the power of vibrations as they resonate through your body, releasing blockages and promoting deep relaxation.

Intuitive Guidance: Seek clarity and insight through intuitive guidance sessions. Our intuitive practitioners use their heightened senses to connect with your energy and provide guidance and support on your spiritual journey.

Self-growth: With each session, you can deepen your understanding of vibrational healing and explore new techniques to enhance your well-being. These transformative experiences provide a safe and nurturing space for personal growth and self-discovery.

"Vibrational Attunement is the gentle embrace of divine frequencies, nurturing our essence and guiding us back to a state of wholeness, where healing and transformation unfold effortlessly."

Benefits of Vibrational Attunement

Relaxation and stress reduction

Release of energetic blockages

Improved emotional well-being

Enhanced self-awareness and intuition

Increased energy and vitality

Deepened spiritual connection

Our Visiting Practitioner

Phil Davies

Balance Wellness HK Phil Davies

In-person session is now available from 4th to 22nd March for booking

Phil is an exceptionally experienced International Energy Healer and Spiritual Mentor, with a remarkable track record spanning over 22 years. His expertise has been sought after by prestigious corporate clients worldwide, including renowned wellness retreats like Kamalaya and Chiva Som, as well as esteemed brands such as Four Seasons, IHG, and Marriott Luxury Collection. Throughout his extensive career, Phil has consistently showcased his deep comprehension of energy healing and spiritual guidance, making him a trusted and sought-after practitioner in the field.

Having been on his Spiritual Journey since his teen years, Phil is a gifted healer offering his exceptional talents and a magnitude of skills to bring, fast, effective and lasting change. He specializes in guiding you beyond trauma, outdated belief systems and negative emotions. Phil offers you an opportunity to find freedom, confidence, a deep connection with self and increased peace.