Pilates & GYROTONIC®

A mind-body activity. Experience the ultimate privacy and comfort during your class with our exclusive private room.

Pilates and Gyrotonics one-on-one classes will help you unlock the full potential of your body.

Whether you are looking to increase flexibility, enhance strength, improve posture, or simply achieve a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, our personalized one-on-one classes are designed to meet your specific needs and goals.

With our certified and experienced instructors and state-of-the-art equipment, you can experience the transformative benefits of these highly effective exercise modalities in a safe and supportive environment.

Our private room is a comfortable space designed for you who prefer a more intimate setting. The room is equipped with mats, blocks, and other necessary props to enhance your experience. Creating a personalized atmosphere that promotes focused individual attention from our certified instructors. With natural lighting and a serene ambiance, the private room provides the perfect environment to unwind, build balance, and strengthen your core while enjoying a top-notch workout regimen.

Why Choose Pilates?

Develop Core Strength: Pilates is renowned for its ability to strengthen the core muscles, including the abdomen, lower back, and hips. Through a series of controlled movements and precise alignment, our Pilates classes will help you build a strong foundation, leading to improved stability, balance, and overall body control.

Enhance Flexibility: By focusing on controlled movements and proper breathing techniques, Pilates is ideal for improving flexibility. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, our instructors will guide you through a range of exercises that lengthen and stretch your muscles, giving you improved range of motion and reduced risk of injury.

Improve Posture: Modern lifestyles often result in poor posture due to long hours spent sitting and hunching over screens. Pilates can help correct these imbalances, promoting a more aligned and upright posture. By strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining proper alignment, you can alleviate back and neck pain, improve breathing, and move with more grace and ease in your daily activities.

Why Choose Gyrotonics?

Fluidity of Movement: Gyrotonics is a unique exercise method that combines elements of yoga, dance, gymnastics, and Tai Chi. Its circular and flowing movements help to increase the range of motion and flexibility in your joints, while also developing strength and coordination throughout your entire body. Our Gyrotonics classes will leave you feeling energized, centered, and in tune with your body.

Strengthen Deep Muscles: Unlike weightlifting exercises that primarily target superficial muscles, Gyrotonics focuses on strengthening the deep core muscles that support the spine and joints. By working these often neglected muscles, you will experience improved stability, balance, and a more efficient movement pattern in your daily life.

Stimulation of the Nervous System: Gyrotonics utilizes unique equipment consisting of pulleys and weights, which provides a constant resistance throughout the movements. This continuous stimulation of the nervous system enhances body awareness, proprioception, and neuromuscular coordination. You will develop a heightened sense of body control and find yourself moving with more grace and ease.

We understand that each individual has unique needs and goals. That's why our experienced instructors will tailor the Pilates and Gyrotonics classes specifically to you. Whether you are recovering from an injury, looking to improve athletic performance, or simply maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, our personalized approach ensures that you get the most out of every session.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

We believe in providing you with the best tools to achieve your fitness goals.

Our studio is equipped with top-of-the-line Pilates machines and Gyrotonics equipment, ensuring that you have access to the latest advancements in these exercise modalities. You can trust in the quality and effectiveness of our equipment to support and enhance your practice.

Pulley Tower

Provides smooth, even support and resistance via a unique, weighted pulley system. The design of the equipment supports the full and natural range of motion of the joints, allowing for three-dimensional, functional movement, eliminating the sharp starts and stops where most injury occurs.

Gyrotonics Pulley Tower


The movements are straightforward and powerful, placing an emphasis on focus, control, and accuracy. Even if you have physical injuries, you can still practise Pilates thanks to its movement-based components. This complete physical fitness routine can help you improve your posture.

reformer for pilates

Tower reformer

The tower reformer is an entirely integrated system for total-body exercise. The Reformer's resistance and the Tower's springs work together to produce the ideal training environment. Reformer and tower exercises strengthen the core while enhancing control and coordination throughout the body.

Tower Reformer Combo

Barrel Ladder

The stepped barrel is suitable for core stabilization training and improving flexibility, and the six steps can achieve different levels of strength and flexibility training.

The streamline of the barrel surface is close to the curve of the human spine, which is easy to correct the body posture.

Pilates Barrel Ladder

Spine corrector

The Pilates Spine Corrector is a powerful method for developing long-term strength and stability while learning the proper Pilates movements. It aids in focusing on deep postural muscles that might not be highlighted in routine exercises. The spine corrector is a great tool for altering posture and increasing overall body flexibility.

Pilates Spine Corrector

Wunda chair

The wunda chair is ideal for exercising your flexibility and stability since it gives your muscles the most support possible. Instead than employing body weight and gravity like in traditional mat Pilates, this equipment increases our body's resistance to help us build endurance.

Pilates Wonda Chair

Props & Accessories

More than hundreds props and accessories act as aids for performing exercises and as tools to add variety, difficulty, and pleasure to your class. They promote technique refinement, increased flexibility, and increased strength, bringing you closer to your fitness goals.

Pilates PT Props & Accessories

Pilates vs GYROTONIC

Pilates focuses on critical alignment difficulties. It re-educates movement patterns within the body by using your muscular, skeletal, and neurological systems. Pilates moves focus on specific muscles and involve a lot of focus and control. The movements are typically linear or two-dimensional.

GYROTONIC® focuses on the muscular, fascial, skeletal, and neurological systems, as well as the energetic body. As the physical combines with the emotional and mental, the practice becomes more holistic. GYROTONIC® uses circular and spiralling movements to create multi-directional, three-dimensional patterns that work throughout a wider spectrum of motion. To develop diversity, practice these exercises in a continuous flow from movement to movement, with adjustments in tempo, breath, and repetition

It’s important to note that neither one is better than the other as different things suit different people. We found that they complement each other quite well, and that experiencing one promotes knowledge of the other. That is also why a personalized private class is the most effective.

Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit..” — Joseph Pilates

At BALANCE WELLNESS, we strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all our clients.

Our instructors are friendly, knowledgeable, and dedicated to helping you reach your full potential. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced, we are here to guide and motivate you on your fitness journey.

Experience the transformative benefits of Pilates and Gyrotonic at BALANCE WELLNESS. Unlock your body's full potential with our personalized one-on-one stretching and strengthening classes, tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you aim to increase flexibility, improve posture, or enhance strength, our experienced instructors and state-of-the-art equipment will help you achieve your desired results. Contact us today to book your first session and embark on a journey towards a stronger, healthier, and more flexible body