Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Remarkably fast and effective needle free acupuncture technique that removes the emotional intensity connected to memories and trauma. Release and permanently let go of all past traumas, phobias and any negative emotions.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or limiting beliefs? Are past traumas holding you back from living your best life? Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is transformative method to help you break free from emotional blockages and achieve lasting personal transformation.

What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as "tapping," is a cutting-edge therapeutic technique that combines elements of acupressure and psychology. By tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on the emotional issue at hand, EFT helps to release negative emotions, reduce stress, and restore the body's energy balance.

Energy meridians that run through our body can be blocked or disrupted by unresolved emotional issues, thereby compromising our natural healing potential. 

How Can EFT Help You?

Overcome Anxiety and Stress: EFT provides powerful tools to manage anxiety, stress, and overwhelm, allowing you to regain control and find inner peace.

Heal Emotional Trauma: Release the emotional weight of past traumas and experience deep healing and emotional freedom.

Transform Limiting Beliefs: Identify and reprogram limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential, helping you achieve success and fulfillment.

Enhance Well-being: EFT can improve your overall well-being, boost self-esteem, and foster a positive mindset.

“Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is the key that unlocks the door to emotional healing and sets us free from the chains of negative emotions.”

Our Visiting Practitioner

Phil Davies

Balance Wellness HK Phil Davies

In-person session is now available from 4th to 22nd March for booking

Phil is an exceptionally experienced International Energy Healer and Spiritual Mentor, with a remarkable track record spanning over 22 years. His expertise has been sought after by prestigious corporate clients worldwide, including renowned wellness retreats like Kamalaya and Chiva Som, as well as esteemed brands such as Four Seasons, IHG, and Marriott Luxury Collection. Throughout his extensive career, Phil has consistently showcased his deep comprehension of energy healing and spiritual guidance, making him a trusted and sought-after practitioner in the field.

Having been on his Spiritual Journey since his teen years, Phil is a gifted healer offering his exceptional talents and a magnitude of skills to bring, fast, effective and lasting change. He specializes in guiding you beyond trauma, outdated belief systems and negative emotions. Phil offers you an opportunity to find freedom, confidence, a deep connection with self and increased peace.

Testimonial of Phil & EFT

How does EFT work?


EFT is based on the belief that emotional distress is caused by a disruption in the body's energy system. By tapping on specific acupressure points, EFT aims to restore balance to this energy system and alleviate emotional pain. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the issue

  2. Set up a statement

  3. The tapping sequence

  4. The reminder phrase

  5. Reassess the intensity

Establishing the Perfect Statement and Reminder Phase

Phil will skillfully assist you in establishing the perfect statement and reminder phase, a crucial aspect of the EFT process. Phil recognizes the immense significance of these phases, as they lay the foundation for effective healing and transformation. Through his guidance, you can be confident in developing powerful and impactful statements and reminders that will enhance your EFT journey and facilitate profound personal growth.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a powerful self-help tool that can transform your emotional well-being and promote personal growth. Whether you're dealing with stress, anxiety, phobias, trauma, or any other emotional challenges, EFT offers a holistic approach to healing and restoring balance in your life.